
Below are over one hundred items available for barter at Your General Store--tools, birdhouses, preserves, paintings, and more. Some are original works by artists local to New York State, so take a look at the variety of goods we have to offer!

All goods can only be exchanged on location in the store itself, so consider this a preview of what you can trade when you visit Your General Store. The exhibition at SITE Santa Fe runs from July 19, 2014 until January 11, 2015.

If you are interested in taking one of these objects home with you, think about what you would want to exchange for it. If you want one of these handmade birdhouses, maybe gather up some scrap materials and build your own. Not all trades need to be of the same category (i.e. a painting for a painting). For example, we have a beautiful stained glass kaleidoscope that you could trade for something already in your home--perhaps a vintage kitchen appliance or a glass-blown vase. We eagerly welcome the handmade, so if you are a craftsperson or artist, consider creating something you enjoy as a way to collaborate on this project. The more people involved, the more Your General Store will have an ever-changing stock of goods; who knows where your object will end up!

If you wish to reserve an object you want, click on the image and comment below with your idea for a trade. All suggestions will be considered by the Store, as well as the artist Jason Middlebrook.

Our Goal for Your General Store is that one day it may travel around the United States, stopping as a pop-up shop in various towns across the country, gathering and dispersing handmade objects from household to household, person to person, ceramicist to picklemaker. So keep your eyes open for a blue shipping container full of stuff! (We will keep you posted here as well.)